Friday 30 November 2012

Design, not done

I know I said the design stage would be done for today but lately I've had a lot of assignments due in this week so I've been working on them as of late, in these weeks I've had 2 tasks for 2 assignments in so I've been working on them in the next two following weeks I have another 2 full assignments in which are very large in workload I have to do for them. To be honest for what I've heard from my fellow students the're in the same boat as me: that boat being pause on FMP work and work on assignments then go back to FMP.

Anyway, I'll upload a link to a document for design I've been working on for these past weeks, its not much but its something and that's better than nothing. Evaluating my work efficiency it has not been very up and coming as I would've liked it to have been and I didn't get all my work done I would've prophesied I would get done. 

This is the only document I have done so far but I plan to do more on this document and start my others. 

Friday 23 November 2012

Not started design, yet, but I am going to today

As of yet I haven't started my design stage, yet, which in fact I should have by now but due to the fact that I haven't sat down with my tutor and discussed this process I have no idea what to do for this process. 

Turns out I have to do something I was planning on scrapping which was my character designs because in the design stage I have to show what my worlds that I have created are going to look like which my own mind has delved into, I think I wrote down what I envisaged for each world on either my timeline or initial document with the lore on

So it looks like the character design stage is back on the menu:

Documents that I need to include in my design stage are:
- mood board of what the worlds are going to look like (places in each plane of existence, 

- mood board of what the people are going to look like (inhabitants of each world, 

-  the research document of image references for each character would also be included in this

- (anything else I can think of will be added to this blog post) 

Friday 16 November 2012

Everything I have done so far in my Research

Today I will link everything I have done so far for my research and in thus it will show how much I have done and need to do and how my on-going research is looking. 

things to talk about when reviewing documents:
- what went well
- what went wrong
- did everything go as planned
- finished or near completion? or On-going? 

Overall anything I need to do extra or I found out I need to do? 

Documents that are being linked are as follows:

-  Writers that have inspired me in my writing

What went well in this was that this document was of my own doing I started and I felt like you the reader of my work should know where I got my inspiration from hence thus why I started the document above, even though this above seems like little it is one of my many on-going documents. I don't know if everything went as planned with this I think the idea was that when I'm writing characters bios and writing the history I remembered that I wanted a dark theme and feel to it like how there is in JK Rowlings Casual Vacancy but I want a developed characters like Valkyrie Cain and Skulduggery Pleasant. (touch wood) nothing has gone wrong of sorts with this document, yet. 

-  Comparing writing styles

With this document I started it late hence with there is more a less no quantity and to me is un-finished, I think the only thing that went well with this document is that I was clear what I wanted to do. 

-  Image reference/ mood board for Characters

What went well was that I had a clear idea of what characters I wanted pictures of, again what in this document seems little is also on-going so the quantity will increase over time. Again I don't know if everything went as planned with this because I didn't really plan this document, if I had an idea of a character that looks like how I picture my characters I would find a picture of them and put them in. Again (touch wood) nothing has gone wrong of sorts with this document, yet. 

-  Research stories in different mediums

What went well with this was not much, I more a less started this and the document below at the same time and I got carried away with the document below and just forgot about this one, all this as well it what went wrong with this. I didn't plan this document out as such I just did it as it came to me, as well this document to me is un-finished.
(Update - 04/06/13 : Finished and sent of, new link added)

-  How each character is represented in different societies

This document above is my largest and the one I spent my most time on so far, what went well about this document is that it has a lot of quantity and a lot of information, what went wrong is that I didn't get it fully finished in time and the sections about God and The Devil are un-finished. I think everything went as planned with this because I knew what I wanted to do but the downside is that I was late starting the last two sections. 

Overall I think I focused too much on one document and on others to less and some documents I started to late. 

Wednesday 14 November 2012

My Research deadline

The fact of the matter is that I have mainly worked on one document so far and if you compare that amount of work I've done to what I need to do its not alot and I am ashamed of myself but I will upload everything what I have done for my research so far on Friday, hence Fridays are usually spent in class doing my FMP all day so I should have time to upload everything then go a head with my Design, oh what joys and fun. 

Friday 9 November 2012

09/11/12: Next Presentation

I have been told that I need to start thinking about my next presentation which would be presented at start of December, so I have about a month to do it on top of everything else, which is not so bad, from the outside looking in it seems pretty easy (touch wood) to do, I've noted down on a word file what I need to do for it but considering my tutors want examples of my work which at present is not possible because I simply don't have the quantity of work to present, yet but hopefully by December I should have started my production it self so I should have something. Also the title for this presentation is Feasibility. 

Just an update on what is going on

Sorry it has been a while since my last update been focused on getting my research done, especially the document about how each main character is represented in each society. Also over the week while I was off I managed to write the first paragraph of my first chapter of my first draft, I then had it looked at by my tutor and he checked for spelling, grammar and vocabulary.

Oh and yes I am aiming to get most of everything I wanted for research done by the 15 of November and of course if there is any complications my blog will show these complications and show there solution. 

Link to my research file: How each character is represented in different societies 

Link to the first paragraph of my first chapter of my first draft

Link to the above document marked by my tutor