Thursday 7 February 2013

Finished Design

I think I finished my design stage today, I only really had two documents to complete but they were very large documents, I was overall surprised at how long it took me to complete these two documents, which is what I started them late last year so its took me a fair few months to complete these two. I'm mostly disappointed in myself for the fact that its took me this long to complete them it should've been done in a month not two more on top of that, I can't say I didn't rush the documents near the end but I did, there also the fact that I have had a lot of other work to work on not just my FMP. So you can say I haven't touched my FMP at all becaus of this reason in thus why the design stage is so late in completion. 

- mood board of what the worlds are going to look like (places in each plane of existence, 

- mood board of what the people are going to look like (inhabitants of each world,

I suppose that another milestone done but its still a late milestone, hopefully I hope to start production tomorrow and eventually find an external source to look at my work, thinking about finding a forum or a least somewhere to put my work on so its out there and open to harsh, blunt and constructive criticism. 

Research into more writing

Been told today I need to research and review others peoples work and need to look into others writers and how they go on about structuring there writing, I'll probably start doing this after some more work has been shifted out of the way and when I get writers block

Friday 1 February 2013

Been digging through my work..

Been doing some digging prepping for Uni interviews and I found a short story I created for an assessment piece for my english resit last year, just tell me your thoughts and such, I had to keep a word count for the piece and such like it could only be 1000 words and at the most 1,500, the result was I got a B, I think I relates mostly to my FMP because the main character Michael jumps off building for his escape and my main character in D.A enters his journey by doing the same thing. It made me laugh though when my english teacher said to me is Michael an angel? I of course had no idea what he was on about but I realise now after researching Angels and such what he was on about.

City Towers: The Heist

I can remember the escape like yesterday. The mad crazy dash p a few flights of stairs, emerging on the roof, then standing on the edge and just falling… Then being yanked back by the parachute and floating down like a feather. I remember us all going our separate ways and agreeing to never to get into contact with each other.

We all said that we had enough money to set up us up for the rest of our lives. But I had a feeling David wanted more. A few months after the mile-high bank job, I was back in the shit hole of a back water town I call home, Warrington. To be honest I wish I was back doing it. Then I got a phone call one day that said ‘anonymous’. I was curious to who it was, so I answered. “Is that Michael?” said a man who sounded like he sang a screamo rock band. I recognised the voice, it was David’s. “David? Yes, what’s happened?” I said wondering if it was him at all or just a wrong number, “Is this a secure line?” he said concerned like someone was watching me or listening in. “Yes, it should be” I said, “Good because I’ve got another job for us since you were so good last time” he said exaggerating the ‘so’, “good it was all sure dumb luck far as I’m concerned.” “I laughed”, “Dum luck my laddo, no I think not you’ve got a knack for this type of trade, what say you wanna join my crew, it’s a dangerous life I should know and I understand if you say no…” he said northerner in his voice. “Yes!” I said cutting him off half way through his recruitment speech.
“Good” David said enthusiastically, “so then, where is it this time?” I said intrigued by my comrades new crazy scheme, “New York City, my friend” he said trying not to giggle, “Are you for fucking real David, Jesus Christ almighty there isn’t a chance in hell you’re going to pull this off you know, the phrase comes to mind ‘when pigs fly’ we’re going to pull this off” I said angrily and sarcasm in my tone of voice. “Calm down dearest keep your nickers on, Christ” he said jokingly, “not the same building is it?” I said, “god no, it’s the building near the chemist company, you know the FCB the guys who are looking into a cure for cancer” he said, “oh yeah I heard about that said they were really close just the last piece of the puzzle they said and it’s done, ok then”, “you know what I say ZOMBIE APOCLYPSE here we come” David said making zombie noises down the phone. “Where we meeting?” I asked, “You remember the black van we had, just tap on the side as you walk past” he said, “Ok, then” I said concerned but glad for what’s to come, hope I don’t end up like all the other British guys who come back from overseas, dead.

So after my call with David I got a plane ticket over to New York, one way. As the flight was long I thought about who left behind and I forgot that a girl well…not just any girl, a girl I loved, my first love in fact moved here with her job she came here to take her promotion as a cop on the NYPD. Later that night I met up with David and some familiar faces, some not so, the new guy Luke, full name Lucifer but he preferred to be called Luke. The crew and I walked in during the day and decided to hide in closets and out of sight places till after closing. The pc specialist and hacker got rid of the cameras and downed the security system for a couple hours. We moved around like snakes in tall blades of grass it was adrenaline rushing. You could smell the coffee from the staff rooms as you walked past.

We got to the vault it was smaller than the last one and usually that means it stuffed with more dollars and coin for the taking you could smell the freshly made money like fresh bread that’s just come out of the oven. One of the guys said “god, this vault is tight as a little girl…OWWW what the fuck was that for?”, “stop fucking about and unload the vault the more you can carry downstairs the bigger your share.” David said commanding. I said to David concerned “does this seem too easy to you? Or was it the last one we did was hard as nails?” he pondered “this does seem a bit odd that there was no guards built like Russian soldiers with Russian Alsatians in toe”. Suspiciously David and I looked around for anything that could halt our heisting days and probably lock us behind and in a vault like prison that we could never get out. I found the cameras on the walls were bugged and told David and the rest, we covered then unplugged then smashed them all. I went round did all the safety deposit boxes and found a few handguns and rounds enough for all of us. “Here!” I shouted and threw a handgun to David “For protection”, “WOHHH!” “watch where you’re throwing that thing it coul...” BANG! The bullet bounced of the bullet proof that covered the entire room and round the room off the vault door into the vault bouncing round like a rubber ball at 100 mph, then out the door all I heard was “AHHHHHH what the fucking hell do you think your fucking playing at you fucking bastards all of you..” “Who was that?” asking David “Me you fucking retard!” in came Luke limping and holding his arm in agony blood oozing out through his fingers. “Better get that bandaged up or it might fall of and walk out the door” said one of the crew guys “Fucking smart arse” said Luke grumbling and mumbling under his breath. “What was that Luke?” asked David, “Nothing”, “Right, back to work the lot of you we’ve only got a couple more hours left” said David commanding the rest of them “Sorry it went off Luke” said David concerned “It’s fine, only a flesh wound” said Luke arrogantly.

One by one the sports bags to carry the loot out got bulgier and fatter like roast pigs on a dining table waiting to be cleaved of their meat or in our case money, all we needed was the apple to go in all our pigs pie wholes of mouths or the icing to go on our massive cake, the crown jewel of the vault. At the back of the vault sat THE most famous painting in the world, (because of where it had been taken New York it was bound for someone to steal it, so 4 fakes where made with one the real, all then sealed in vaults round the city completely random with only the curator knowing where it really is). The Mona Lisa. “What did you say about pigs flying Michael?”

Words: 1,199


The Mona Lisa hung on the wall like it had just come out of Leonardo da Vinci’s workshop. All their eyes widened at how real it looked but possibility it’s just another fake. “What are you all doing standing their gawping at it, it’s not going to take itself out of the frame and roll itself up and place itself inside the tube is it, I don’t see legs on it do you?” said David like a drill sergeant. I and the rest emptied the vault and I bee-lined straight for Da Vinci’s master piece. I examined it and just looked at in amazement and awe, I took the painting down of the wall and beforehand placing gloves on. I carefully took the painting out of its frame, checked if it’s the real deal; I beamed grinning like a Cheshire cat, rolled it up and placed it inside a cylinder tube. “Come on Michael, I wanna be in and out of here before the NYPD popo realised we have arrived” said David jokingly and commanding “Do want them to know who stole it, well then, that is why I’m taking my time” said Michael barking back at him.

“Luke can you drive” said David “yeah sure” “get down to the van and man the wheel then, is everything loaded up and everyone accounted for?” I said “yeah should be, I got her clinging to my back saying ‘don’t leave me’”, then from down the stairs I heard hush voices and quite creeping footsteps. “What’s up Michael?” David looked at me to say why the fuck aren’t you paying attention to me, I gestured out the door and down, one of the guys went out to check. PING! The sound of a silenced bullet hitting the railings of the staircase. “God fucking dam it I knew this was too easy” I said cursing even coming back to the city that never sleeps. David gestured like a clown playing Simon says with 5 year olds counting down from 3 to 1 he said whispering “on one we make a mad crazy dash for the roof, ok” “just like last time” I said “just like last time” David said both grinning. The NYPD cops heading up the floors making their way to the vault, quickly fast walking up the stairs. David gestured 3, BOOM! They kicked a door in downstairs in the security room, then 2, BOOM! The door to room before the vault, because we were smart we locked it. Then 1, by the time they were in the centre of the vault the thing itself was empty and we were near the roof.

Running and running fast as I could felt like Flash from DC comics, scrambling up rubbing shoulders, gun shots being fired up the staircase rick a shading of the bannister, BOOM! We burst through the fire escape door, all gasping for air, “always..bring..a..parachute” said David trying to catch his breath. Everyone else jumped off like flying squirrels, and then left standing was David and I, “You ready!” David shouted to me, “You go first!” I said shouting back, “fuck that, you go!”, I pushed David off the building. She came bursting through the door gun in hand with a squad behind her, her face could have painted a picture a better one than Mona at that she was still as beautiful as god created her, she must’ve been first in line when they handed out the bodies. She was perfection in my eyes she always will be.

“So Michael, why are standing on the edge of a skyscraper with a Leonardo da Vince masterpiece on your back?” she said in a questionable tone. My first thought was dumbstruck love, then anger, now rage but mellowed like a volcano ready to burst. “Why is one of my old good friends pointing a magnum at my head?” I said questioning her back. “Don’t play riddles with me Michael” she said in a calming tone. “Best say it now seems from now on we’re going to be on the opposite ends of the spectrum” I said calm but nervous, “say what?” she said moving closer to him, “I like you, like I wanna be your boyfriend like you, you know” I said nervous and reverting back to my old high school self probably THE worst years of my life but Aimee was always there. “That’s cute but I’m engaged now, sorry Michael” she said sadden in her voice but I didn’t care my brain and heart worked as one the volcano had blown and I pulled the gun and shot in the air, BANG!, Aims did the same but aiming just in front of me as warning shot “GIVE..THE…PAINTING…NOW MICHAEL!” Aimee said demanding and asserting her authority over me. “As long as you let me go” I said demanding my terms “never” she barked back, I pulled a lighter and hovered it over the bottom of the Mona Lisa, “now LET.ME.GO”. “fine” she said like she was giving up but looking back ordered her men to shoot my legs when the transfer was made. I rolled the painting in its cylinder container over to her, she picked it up and said “how are going to get out?” she asked me “where there’s a will there’s a way” I stepped back and fell, falling, falling wind passing my hair like water, you could hear her from the top “nooooooo” she screamed. Her men checked the cylinder, it was empty. “Err…mam it’s not their” they said dumbfounded “what do you mean it’s not their?” she looked it was empty as a black whole. As I heard coming down on the TV news “Today scientists have found the cure for cancer thanks to FCB medical company, and in other news there has been rumoured that scientists were experimenting with eagle genes and pigs genes and that they have fully created a pig with wings and that one of their subjects have escaped from the facility. Well I guess pigs really do fly. I’ve been Cathy Weathers for New York news. For the date of 21st December 2012.

Carpe Diem.


Words: 2,225