Saturday 11 May 2013

Completed Production.

Well sort of completed production. On thursday night (09/05) I finally completed chapter 3 and with that the major document for my FMP, at that time it was a very hard thing for me to do considering how I was but I'll explain that later. I'll also link the document so you can access and read it in all its 'glory'. 

- Death's Apprentice up to C3 done

I hope you enjoy it in all its entirety (of 3 chapters). I always thoughts I'd have more time but turns out it was not meant to be, not part of my courses grand design it seems. reflecting back chapter 3 in itself is too long it probably worth 2 chapters in it self. I don't even know why I'm calling them chapters I mean transferring them into a game setting what I've wrote would mostly all be cinematic with gameplay added in here and there but thats because in the timeline of this its the start and chapter 4 would be start of the proper tutorial this just introduces you to the world and gives you some premise to jump off into and at the same time making you feel and connect with the character. The main contagonist/ protagonist in these parts at least he plays these character types is David and when writing him I've always imagined it being me as David. So when I give the 'player'/ 'reader' a choice it's always what I would've done. 

Reflecting on the quantity of this, I don't feel it's enough I feel like there should be soo much more but I do hope when and if someone reads it it gives them a taste of what my skill is like, I'm no master writer, I'm only a padawan that needs a lot of training but has bags of potential. 

On the notion that I've 'completed' production I've not as far as my tutor' are concerned, we had a discussion on what he actually wants from me as production is concerned and this is the results:

- Story/ Narrative itself/ Production

GDD type documents

- Story with edits dictating what I envisage the game play will look like with images

- Story with edits dictating GDD type edits, like at what point the main gets certain powers, what chapters are which levels/ locations, so for example 5 chapters might happen in just one level or 5 levels might happen in which chapters, also in this dictate when and where cinematics or game play happens

As I said the main document is done, everything else that needs to be done will be based of this, which both of them are in progress and for my FMP to be seen as part of my course I need to show how this relates to games and gameplay and insert game design edits into it. 
This was the feels I had when I finally completed it on Thursday night
On personal note, so anyone who doesn't give a crap about me and just wants to see stuff about my work can leave now. 

oh you have back pain thats always online... 
Anyway relating to what I said above how it was very hard for me to complete this. The past week or so I think since Monday/ Tuesday I've been dealing with a lot of back pain or at least I think its back pain, I have no idea where its come from or how it happened but I've been feeling incredible and immense pain on the right side of my back and its been mobile to one moment it might be on my right side the next moment it might underneath my shoulder blade. Its not the type of pain that goes away either its the headache/ migraine type of pain to say loosely 'its always online' (like the next xbox or we think so). So in a term it doesn't freaking go away. But also at the same time I have a sort of cold thats a tickly cough and a bunged up nose which all compiled and fused together makes me feel like well.. not well at all. Kinda hard to do work while all this is going on? 
So yeah I had Friday off because it was a workshop all day and I genuinely didn't feel up to going in at all. But present day now I'm feeling a little better, my cough has gone to my chest which it usually does my nose hurts when I blow it. And my backs playing temperamental but feels better. Fresh air helps my chest and having a hot shower helps my back a lot. So yeah. 
Thats pretty much it. I'll work on the rest of my FMP and the production, seems as well the whole freaking thing is in for next Friday which is flamin great news. 

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